Some changes to my study program ψ

A pensive cat, wondering about their career.

Hi,  I'm gonna talk about some changes I think that could improve my study program and therefore the quality of their students like future psychology professionals. About all the subject in the program, I'm very agreeable I think it´s a very complete program nonetheless, It could get better if the pharmacology subject adds to my career. In addition, the transversal subject "Reading, Writing and Speaking in the Social Sciences" I think it's very useful but as a Bachelor in social sciences student this subject I will do in my third year of university, so I think it's a little late for me. That's why I propose that this subject could be optional in my case and give the opportunity to do this transversal subject in my first university year. One extra thing, that I think it's important it's to add to the study program is more female authors to the bibliography of each subject, in order to open the view about the same things, for example not just reading Freud otherwise add Melanie Klein to the literature of psychoanalysis. On the other hand about the facilities, the bathrooms are very damaged and I think there are very few green areas to share with my classmates and friends. Concerning the use of technology, I think in online modality has been ok U-cursos it's a quite good platform, but in face to face modality, I couldn't experience how were the facilities like if teachers use new digital platforms or if were enough computers, if the wifi was good etc. 

However, the psychology program I think it's doing pretty fine in their teaching methods because most of the evaluations are in a group and are process. For example, in neurophysiology, we had weekly works some of them were in a group and other individuals so I should study a little weekly instead of having a big evaluation after five or three weeks. One thing, that I don't know how was in the normal modality, but I think it's relevant to mention is adding more practices to most of the subjects, for develops skills that social interaction gives. About the length of studies, I agree, but about the workload in some subjects, it's too much cause are too many chapters books to read and now in the online modality, it's more exhausting reading on the computer. 

So, I'm very agreeable with my study program that obviously it could improve.

this is the psychology study program <3 


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