Postgraduate studies馃


(this is how I imagine myself in my "sabbatical" year)
Hi, I'm thinking about when I will finish my psychology career, it would be ideal to have one year free of university studies to do some extra things like being part of an animal foundation or maybe traveling to the south of Chile, or just living and take advantage to; read, learn how to draw and take care of my garden. 

When that year will end, I guess I would study some postgraduate studies to be a better professional in clinical psychology. That's why searching Facso's web page I found lots of diplomats, but one captured my attention, a postgraduate diploma in Existential Humanist Psychotherapy. This postgraduate diploma caught my attention because until now I really like this theory for the integral conception of the human being, also that we all have the potential to reach our human development. 

This postgraduate study's purpose is to be a first instance of clinical training, knowing theoretical and practical assumptions of this theory. For this approach, it is very needed to recognize the human complexity and the connection between body, mind, and emotions, as well as the relation-intersubjective sphere and the spirit. This is why I think it could help me in my professional career.

Considering this, I think a  specialization, gives you better job possibilities like teaching, being part of an investigation, work as an independent, doing talks, new skills and knowledge, among others, thus better economic earnings. So far, I have been thinking about studying this or another postgraduate diploma in a face-to-face modality and here in Chile. Maybe in the future a magister of transpersonal psychology in another country because until I know it doesn't exist here, and I'm really intrigued by this approach.


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